Tuesday 28 April 2015

Very Exciting News!

So, I know I know, it's been a while blah blah.. but there is a very important reason why I have been absent since my last post. Yep, you've guessed it, it was probably the opening photo that gave it away? WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!

As you already know, the only baby we have in our lives is the seriously spoilt Alfie the cat. Yes, I am one of those crazy cat ladies who humanises their cat. It's fine though, I've come to terms with this fact. I'm not going to lie to you, amidst all of our gleeful squeals of excitement, we are slightly worried at how jealous Alfie may get when the little one arrives. To be fair though, once the baby is crying at all times of the day and night, I'm sure the jealousy will fade away into something that is more describable as annoyance.

Our family have known for quite a while now and we have also done the obligatory Facebook announcement post (slightly lame but it really is the easiest way to simultaneously let everyone else in our life know that, no, I'm not just piling on the pounds for the fun of it). In fact, to finally have it all out in the open is brilliant and is the biggest weight off my mind. I never thought I would be the girl who would wait until the 20 week scan date to make it public knowledge. I thought I would immediately inform the world as soon as I knew myself, but then the fear settles in that anything could happen to this tiny little bun in the oven, so you put it off and put it off until, suddenly you're half way through the pregnancy! Who knew!?!

So, I think that's it for this post. I may start doing more baby related posts, so if you want to, sit down, buckle yourself in and join us for the roller coaster ride that is the second half of our first pregnancy.

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