Wednesday 29 April 2015

BABY: The 20 Week Scan

Our 20 Week Scan Photo

The two months between our 12 and 20 week scan seemed to fly by. We had relatives come and visit us down in Cornwall, had Thai Takeaway Day Valentine's Day, I had my winter flu jab and we had our 15 week midwife appointment. Urine was checked (fine), blood pressure was checked (fine), new appointments were booked for May and then we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat again. It was so quick and it made us all giggly and it was a real treat to hear (it can't always be picked up so clearly at this stage in the pregnancy) but we were soon sent on our way back home as happy as could be. Apart from that nothing exceptional happened apart from me watch my expanding waistband get increasingly larger.

The date for our 20 week scan was scheduled for the day after my birthday, so the week running up to the scan I was probably thinking more about what Chris had planned for me than getting myself preoccupied with the scan like last time. (In case you wondered.. the boy did good! I may write a blog post on this next week.)
Our scan was much later in the day, and like before, our appointment was probably a little delayed but I wasn't feeling anywhere near as nervous as before. After a small wait another lovely lady showed us into the room, which was basically the same set up. We knew from the hospital letter that we had received that this scan would be longer than the previous one due to them checking the main organs for any abnormalities.

After assuming the same "leggings lowered, top raised" position, the cold goo was again placed on my tummy and our much larger baby was up on the screen for us both to see. I can only really compare this scan to when you check your lottery numbers against the winning results. The lady would zoom in on an organ in the baby's body and check it for abnormalities, measure it, whilst we were waiting for her to say, "Yes, that looks good". For us this was a, "Phew" *circle the winning number* moment. For the next 20 minutes we were getting the most amazing views of our baby's brain, spine, stomach, hands, feet, heart, lungs, kidneys etc and we were circling off all of these winning numbers. By the end of it we really felt like we had won the rollover jackpot (If only!). The lady said that everything seemed fine and that the baby's size was normal for this stage in the pregnancy.

We were then asked if we wanted to find out the sex of the baby. But I'll save that for another blog post! We left feeling excited knowing the sex of our baby and hadn't even made it back to the car before we were ringing family! We also finally felt confident enough to announce the pregnancy to everyone, including the obligatory Facebook post!

Did you enjoy your 20 week scan? Did you find out the sex of your baby? Feel free to let me know in the comments below, I'd love to hear from you!

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