Tuesday 28 April 2015

BABY: Our Pregnancy Story

Our first photo together where I am actually pregnant! (Bedruthan Steps, Cornwall)

I thought it would be quite nice to put pen to paper and write down how our pregnancy came about. This could be a longer post than usual, so get yourself a cuppa and enjoy!

Having a baby has been something that both myself and Chris have always wanted. We both have two siblings with similar enjoyable upbringings and knew that children would hopefully be on the cards at some point in our lives. I suppose, without even planning it this way, our lives have taken a rather traditional path. Relationship, Marriage then Pregnancy.

To be honest, this probably had more to do with having a relationship with a military man. Marriage typically happens quickly in military relationships, as you cant live in married quarters unless you are actually married. Married quarters make life a whole lot easier when you can potentially be moving every three years.

We married in September 2013 after a few years together and had both made the mutual decision that after Chris returned from a six month tour away in Afghanistan, we would try for a baby. Whilst he was away I finished my last pack of contraceptive pill and didn't go back to the doctors for a repeat prescription.

Chris returned for two weeks R&R in September 2014 and the following month he finally returned for good. During this time we hadn't conceived, and it doesn't matter that your brain tells you that a window of two weeks would make it highly unlikely for successfully conceiving, your heart still feels a little disappointed.

Once Chris returned, we had three weeks before we moved from Norfolk to his new posting in Cornwall. Life had suddenly become very exciting and we were both full of beans at exploring this new part of the country.

Moving forward to the start of December, we celebrated Chris' 30th birthday together and had a whirlwind trip of travelling from Cornwall to Newcastle and back again to go see a Michael Buble concert. Surprisingly I made a decision to not drink, mainly because I was so tired from the journey. I think I also had a faint hope that perhaps I shouldn't drink.... just in case!

Ten days later.....
I had been due on my period this week and it hadn't shown up. Not to get too excited, I told Chris that if it hadn't made an appearance in the next few days, I would take a pregnancy test that we had purchased earlier that week. On 14th December, there was still no sign of my period and I couldn't sleep for thinking about it, so I decided to just bite the bullet and take one of the tests. Can I just say that trying to pee on a stick and simultaneously counting the seconds is a lot harder than I ever thought it could be. Truthfully, I was still thinking the worst, but lo and behold it changed to "pregnant" pretty quickly! The excitement and emotions that came were unbelievable. It didn't feel real! I debated running upstairs and blurting it out to Chris, but I made the decision to hatch a plan and sneakily get back into bed and hide it next to me. The plan was to surprise him with it and have one of those romantic moments that you see on TV.

Chris stirred and got up to use the toilet. In my head I thought this plan was going brilliantly! Now all I had to do was place it on his side of the bed, so when he got back into bed, he would pick it up and read it. This seemed simple enough, but nothing ever goes to plan... especially when you're married to my husband! The toilet flushed, he plodded back into the bedroom, put his dressing gown on and said, "Now I'm up, I think I'll go downstairs and catch up on last night's Match of the Day". He didn't even glance at me or the bed. My romantic plan was scuppered, I had seconds to say something.. anything before he walked out of the room! I opted for "LOOK ON THE BED!" (or something very similar). He finally picked it up and had the look of disbelief that I probably had plastered on my face, I'm not ashamed to say I shed some happy tears as we had a little cuddle.

And yes...... he did then go watch last night's Match of the Day. Who said romance was dead?!

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