Wednesday 20 May 2015

BABY: The Second Trimester

So, I made it through the second trimester.. phew! Every mum I know and every book says the second trimester is the easiest. I think I would have to agree with the general consensus that it is indeed a bit of a breeze for the most part...

Nausea Subsides
As you know, I didn't suffer any sickness during the first trimester. But I definitely said goodbye to any of the icky feelings around smells. Except Branston Pickle. Bleugh!

Energy Levels Increase
My energy levels were the most noticeable change. No longer did I want to spend my days cocooned on the sofa in a fluffy blanket, watching Pretty Little Liars on repeat. When Chris suggested we go somewhere I was most definitely up for it.

Emotional Stability Returns
I may not be crying at random things as much as I was during the first few months (turning on the Christmas tree lights to find the built in lights were broken was a low point), but I still had the odd weep during an episode of Emmerdale or Supervet. If you don't watch them, you don't know how traumatic they can be!

Bump Growth
The bump really did start getting much larger during this trimester. Gone were the worrying times that I would look like I had ate all the pies that were ever made. Ever. But then came the arrival of the lower abdominal aches, where my ligaments were getting stretched by the brute of my growing uterus. That got pretty painful for a couple of weeks, mainly when turning over in bed. Thankfully they stopped and then my bump seemed to pop out even more overnight.This then meant a trip to the shops to purchase some maternity clothes to fit around my bump.

Stretch Marks
Linking in with this was the development of more stretch marks on the tummy. Genetically, I knew family members had the same problem, so it didn't really come as any surprise when they started cropping up. They are mainly on my lower abdomen and don't really worry me in the slightest.   

Baby Movements
The best part of this trimester was feeling the baby move inside me. Just little tiny flutters, but still completely miraculous, in their own way. Yes, at first I wasn't sure if I just had a bit of trapped wind as I had nothing to compare it to. But soon, it became stronger and regular, to the point where Chris could then feel the movements too. Magic!

Running upstairs became a thing of the past.  Chris had to slow his pace down when we were out and about else I would feel myself getting more out of breath. Living on the top of a hill made the easiest task of posting a letter feel like a marathon.

20 Week Scan
This was the best scan ever mainly because it lasted so long whilst they checked our little one for any anomalies. I talked more about this in my 20 Week Scan post, but everything looked great and we found out we were expecting a little boy!!!

Sleep Problems
I remember waking up more frequently, remembering the strangest dreams. I also still tend to only get up once in the night for the toilet. Sleeping on my side meant getting the odd leg cramp or a slightly numb bum cheek. (Oh the joys). Turning over became a huge effort accompanied by lots of groaning.

Increased Sex Drive
To be honest, we didn't make the most of this, mainly because the sheer mechanics and balance was too much to bother with when we could just snuggle down into bed and have a chat about the near future and all the things we look forward to and are dreading. 

So that pretty much covers the whole of my second trimester. Can't believe I only have one more to write about and that is looming ever nearer!

How did you find your second trimester? Did you have similar experiences? Let me know in the comments below, I'd love to compare them to my own.

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