Friday 15 May 2015

BABY: 25 Weeks Pregnant Update

I've had a bit of a break from the blog this week as I had my parents come to stay with us for a few days. Because of this I'm a little late in putting this up, as I am currently 26 weeks + 1 day. Better late than never though! It was great to see my parents and will probably be the last time we see them before the baby is born! Scary thought!!

I think I've definitely had a growth spurt on the old bump front. The lower pelvic pains have all but vanished, which in turn has definitely made sleeping a lot nicer.

The boy is much more active now and he certainly loves giving me lots of kicks, mainly when I'm in bed and later on in the evening.

We made a trip to Dunelm and managed to find a V shaped pillow at a great price. Finally having something to be able to simultaneously rest my bump on and put in between my knees is great. What's not so great is feeling like there's a third person in the bed!

Back ache is starting to raise its ugly head. Nothing too painful, just the lower back area. Trying to tempt Chris to give me the odd massage may well be in order. I'm sure he will oblige, especially if I offer to make him a cuppa.

What I wasn't expecting to happen this week was to have a leaky nipple. Yep.. just the one! It isn't painful, mainly amusing, as it's something I just wake up with on my pyjama top.

I haven't necessarily felt that tired this week. Maybe tired when on my feet for long periods, but not "take a nap" tired.

That's it for this week. Today I had my gestational diabetes test, but I'll talk about that next week!

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