Well, I've had a bit of a fail with my updates these past couple of weeks. I know there isn't really any excuse, but we have had family down to visit, followed by a cheeky trip to Liverpool. If I'm truly honest, combining both updates is probably a good thing as nothing has really changed too much during this time.
The obvious changes during this time was an increase in the size of the baby bump. It is so much heavier now and has created its own mobility issues. During both of these weeks I did find that I would get out of breath quickly and my only speed was equivalent to a snail's pace. Oh, there have been more stretch marks cropping up on the bump, near my hips, as well as a few on my thighs. None of these are a surprise to me as my bump is feeling really stretched and I've been sat down more than I'd like because of my swollen feet. Belly Button Update.. It definitely looks a lot more shallow, but no POP yet!
The lower back is still painful when I'm on my feet for longer periods and is at its worst when I'm stood on the same spot doing the washing up. Ouch! The husband now has a second job as my personal masseuse.. he is pretty good!
My breasts are still leaking, mainly when I sleep, which I hope is a good sign for when my milk comes in. Breast Boil Update.. It has taken a few weeks but the boil is definitely deflating and is no way near as painful as it was. Not wearing a bra at night and wearing a sleep bra during the day has definitely helped, as well as making sure the area is dry throughout the day (The warm weather doesn't help matters).
My main issue over these weeks has been my swollen feet and ankles. I did bring this up during my midwife appointment last week and she wasn't worried about it being a sign of pre-eclampsia, as my blood pressure was fine and I wasn't having dizzy spells or headaches and nausea. The main culprit is a combination of the warm weather and this latter stage of pregnancy. Drinking lots of water and raising my feet has helped to a point, but I still can't fit into a lot of my size 5 shoes.
Our baby is still active and he likes to make his presence known mainly in the evenings and when I turn over in bed. Talking of bed, my sleep is getting increasingly disrupted. After 2 or 3 hours it's time for a wee. Then I need to switch the side I'm sleeping on as the sciatica in the buttocks gets way too achy. Turning over in bed is also really difficult for me. The pains in my pelvic area make it hard to move my legs comfortably, so I've resolved to getting myself onto my back and then grabbing the headboard to turn me onto the opposite side. Sitting up in bed is another challenge! It's the weight of the bump that is my problem, as it makes me feel like I've been pinned to the bed! Luckily Chris hears my groans and will push me into a sitting position. Once I'm sat up, everything is fine!
Last week we had a home visit from our midwife. All of the usual things like blood pressure and baby's heartbeat were good. We also talked through our thoughts on labour and made a basic birth plan together. We haven't made a hugely specific plan, as we know that they mainly get thrown out the window when labour actually starts. We just covered things like Chris wanting to cut the chord, wanting skin on skin with the baby ASAP and being open to different methods of pain relief etc.
That's it for this update, hopefully I won't get into the same pickle again as we have no plans now.. just to wait for the arrival of our Bumpy!