Today I just wanted to do something a little more fun so decided to do more of a "Tag Blog Post". Typically, you tend to find these kind of Tags in the form on videos online, so I'm just taking inspiration from that format and answering pregnancy related questions. So, here goes nothing..
How and when did you find out you were pregnant?
I found out I was pregnant on the 14th December 2014 at around 7.40(ish) AM, by taking a pregnancy test. (I only know this as I took a photo of the test immediately after on my phone!)
How did you feel?
Excited! We both knew that we wanted children and were trying, but thought it would take much longer!!
How did you tell your partner?
I remember it was a Sunday morning, so we were still in bed and I'd got up to let the cat out, needed a wee, decided to do a test and hey presto... I was PREGNANT. My plan was to go back upstairs to bed with the test wrapped in kitchen roll, in case Chris had woken up, then wait for him to need to go to the toilet. At this point my plan was working as Chris stirred and decided to get up for the toilet. YAY! I carefully placed the test on top of the kitchen roll onto Chris' side of the duvet, so he would notice it when he tried to get back into bed. My heartbeat was going mental at this point and I was picturing his face when he saw it etc. I heard the toilet flush, the sink taps get turned off, Chris plodding back to the bedroom, but he didn't come to the bed! I looked over, his back was facing me and he's reaching behind the door for his dressing gown and then said, "Now I'm up, I think I'll go downstairs and finish watching Match of the Day". (Soccer Football catch-up programme). At this point he was on the verge of walking out the room and I'm not really sure what I said but I somehow managed to get him over to the bed.. I probably said "LOOK!". I think I was getting a little teary now with happiness, knowing Chris he probably remarked, "Why is there a marker pen on the bed?", as he's full of quips, but I knew he knew. He looked at it and then looked at me with amazement and said, "REALLY?!" and I nodded. Then we hugged it out as I was a blubbering away.
Did you wait three months to tell people?
No! The plan was to go to the Doctors to do a test there for official confirmation and then perhaps tell our parents. Turns out, my new surgery doesn't do that so we filled in a Midwife Form, did a few more home tests (same result), then made the decision to tell our parents, swear them to secrecy and tell everyone at the 13 week scan. We sent out group messages to both sides of immediate family and very close friends with the baby scan photo, but chickened out telling all of our other friends. When we had our 20 week scan we then told everyone, mainly via Facebook.
Is this your first?
Do you want more children?
Yes, at least one more, as we both grew up
in families of five and like the idea of our baby having a sibling.
When is your due date?
20th August 2015.
Will you find out the gender? Do you have a preference?
Yes I convinced Chris to find out and we are having a BOY! We didn't have a preference, we just hoped to have a healthy little one. (Although if we were having a girl, I think Chris would keep making us try until we got a boy, mainly so he can train him to be the next football superstar *rolls eyes*)
Your biggest craving?
For a while I was addicted to having toasted bagels with cream cheese for lunch. But nothing really stood out craving wise.
What's the best part of being pregnant?
Feeling your baby move inside you is magical.
What's the worst part of being pregnant?
The tiredness that comes and goes at different stages and awkwardness of turning over in bed. It's such a chore.
Will you have a baby shower?
Probably not. These baby shower things are only just starting to get really common in England. If i was closer to home where my family and close friends are then I definitely would do something. But I'm the other side of the country so it just wouldn't be feasible. Maybe me and Chris will go out for afternoon tea!
Will you have a Maternity Photo Shoot?
No. I think they can look really tasteful and some women look brilliant, especially when they have these neat bumps. But I probably resemble a whale, and I don't think it is something we would ever hang up in our house. I do a weekly bump photo on my Blog and am quite satisfied with that!
Do you have a nursery theme planned?
Yes! We have white nursery furniture and our theme is a nautical/sea related one with whales and fishes etc. We live in married quarters so won't be painting walls and changing curtains, but have got some wall stickers to put up that peel off.
What's your birth plan?
We haven't actually written one yet! The overall plan is to have a natural birth (unless intervention is needed) at the local hospital. No birthing pools are available there, but hopefully I can do without an epidural, but it isn't completely ruled out. That's as far as we have got in our thinking!
Who will be your birthing partner/s?
My husband Chris. Nobody else lives down in Cornwall so he will have to cope all by himself!! Honestly though, I'm not sure I would want anyone else in the room with me.
Will you breastfeed?
Yes, I do plan to breastfeed, but if it gets to a point where our baby isn't putting on enough weight and I'm really struggling, then I am open to the idea of formula feeding. As long as the baby is nourished, it shouldn't matter which you opt for. I just like the idea of the bonding and that it is free!
Do you plan to work or be a stay at home mum?
When we found out I was pregnant we decided that I would not work and we would live off one wage.
Will you be getting all of the baby vaccinations?
Yes, both myself and Chris were fully vaccinated and it seems the right choice for us to make for our baby.
Will you be blogging once the baby is born?
Yes! It may take me a few weeks to get back on track, but I do plan to keep blogging and including our baby in the blog posts too.
I hope you enjoyed this Tag and got some insight to my pregnancy that might not have been previously mentioned in my other posts. Feel free to do this Tag, and if you do, comment below and send me a link to your own Blog. I'd love to read your answers!