
Thursday 7 May 2015

BABY: 24 Weeks Pregnant Update

This week I turned 24 weeks pregnant. These weeks really are just flying by! I feel like my bump has become more prominent now. We did go maternity clothes shopping over the weekend and perhaps it is wearing maternity t-shirts that are enhancing the bump? Either way, people are opening doors for me and moving out of my way when I walk down the street. It's quite nice actually, I can pretend I'm the Queen. *polishes my crown*

Energy levels aren't quite as high as they have been. My walking is more of a snail's pace and I will feel wiped out after having the shortest trips shopping or tidying up around the house. Chris is a real help though, and watching him walk so slow is amusing in itself!

I'm still only getting up once during the night for the toilet. My bladder probably would prefer a second journey, but it's so much effort to get out of bed that I've managed to hold it in until I finally wake up.

Sleeping is still pretty good, until I need to turn over. It is actually pretty painful to turn over in my groin and lower pelvic area. It's a pulling feeling, but once I've turned over it goes away. I've permanently got a pillow between my knees and underneath my bump, which has really helped matters.

The same groin/pelvic pains have been more uncomfortable for the past couple of days whilst walking and bending, but I have had to wait in for deliveries (the nursery furniture arrived... eeek!) so haven't had as much exercise as I'd like.

My midwife appointment was this week and overall it went well. My blood pressure is still good and the baby's heartbeat is still brilliant. She did find a little glucose in my urine, but I have a gestation diabetes test booked for next week, so told me not to worry too much.

Finally, the baby movements have most certainly increased in frequency and intensity. They're still nice and comforting to feel and I am noticing they are developing a pattern of activity first thing in the morning and later on in the evening.

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